Today I learned from a fellow co-worker that the "Guacamolans" down in Brazil were stealing our jobs faster than these jobs could be created and were pretty much the sole cause of the construction industry woes. First of all you have to take into consideration this co-workers perpetual state of pre-menstruation and his blindingly...blind faith in the Red White and Blue. I granted him some geographic leniency but prodded him to further expound upon his thesis. And what he told me. MY GOD! I never realized in how much shit we, as a country, were in! Apparently this act of job stealing is more wide spread than I had ever imagined. I was utterly astounded to learn that the Portuguese (also from Brazil) were flying across the border faster than pregnant teens in Pre Roe V. Wade days and that these Portuguese were taking ALL of their money and sending it back home! What they really wanted was to start farms back in the old country and they were just "using" us as a way to make that happen. No wonder it was so hard for nice Caucasian boys to find work. I was always under the assumption that white kids were too busy jacking off on the internet and day dreaming about seven figure salaries like all the shiny-faced tools on MTV to be bothered to take a job that paid slightly higher than minimum wage. And you know what? I am led to believe that A LOT of people know this fact! Where the hell have I been? I guess they really don't want better lives than the countries that they emigrated from could ever offer. What they were doing was just padding their pockets at our expense. I guess I am going to have to radically change my way of thinking. The first thing I am thinking of is purchasing farmland down their in Guacamola.
1 comment:
There are many jobs being outsourced etc, but trust me, what you said about teens jacking off all day to thie idea of being the next carson daily is still a VERY big reason that a lot of kids dont work.
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