I met a man once who had an interesting take on the existence of heaven and hell . He believed that heaven/hell is simply how others remember you after you are dead. If these memories are good then you must have lived a decent life and your reward is to "live" on as a benevolent loop in the minds of others. If you were a cock then the opposite would follow; you being eternally viewed as an ephemeral douche bag. However, unless you were Mother Theresa or Pol Pot whose memory will live on indefinitely, there is going to come a time after you are dead and buried that you WILL be forgotten. Yes, sketchy as it sounds, within four or five generations there will not be a soul walking this planet that will be able to remember who the fuck you were, what you did or how you fit into the family album. Then what? What does heaven become? It's kind of a "get out of hell card free" for petty criminals and those guilty of high crimes that were never brought to justice. If there is no memory of those crimes then, for all intents and purposes, they did not happen. And if you were a Willy Loman and spent your life doing the right thing but were so completely under the radar that even YOU almost forgot your existence, then brother, you will be as forgotten as the shit you took last Wednesday. So, I guess the suggestion would be, if one wishes to attain heavenly memory status, that you should live grand and leave a lasting impression (good or bad) because inevitably...poof...you are vapor.
wow. Totally legit reasoning.
Thats pretty legit.
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