I was just walking into my living room and a bat the size of a toaster oven was doing laps around the ceiling light. Having had my share of encounters with these little bastards I showed no fear and understood that it would have to make a pit stop sooner or later and it would be at that point that I could grab it and toss it back into the wild. HOWEVER, this behemoth took three laps, hung a left and pulled a Houdini on me. I have been looking for the last two hours and I can't for the life of me figure out where in the hell it went. Now, like I said, I had no fear. But...that statement was made when I was still maintaining visual contact. The idea that this prick could be roosting over my bed kind of gives me the willies. I am debating whether or not to build a mosquito net out of Q-Tips and 8mm film.
1 comment:
I swore I wrote this comment a while ago but it's not here. I will say it again:
For all you know, the bat is clinging onto your back and it's been there for days. Scary eh? cool thing is if it gets scared and flys away you can fly away with it cause its holding you.
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