Everyone at some point in their lives believes that they have some sort of supernatural powers that separate them from the rest of the population. I'm not talking about tying a towel around your neck and running around the living room chasing the cat when you were, like, 27. I mean legitimate "ESP" kinds of weirdness. Some believe they are capable of guessing the future while others profess the ability to leave their bodies under deep meditation. Back when I used to imbibe in man-made hallucinogens I truly believed that I could breath through ice cream and that with enough backing and blotter acid I would someday perform at the Lincoln Center. Now that decades have past since my last "voyage" the only thing that I can hold up as an example of anything even remotely supernatural is that I can sometimes see through my eye-lids late at night. Really! And when I finally get my fingers to shoot lasers it will be ass kicking time.
See through eyelids eh?
I'm jealous.
I want in.
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