Friday, November 16, 2007

Think Before You Joke

I was making spaghetti today and realized I needed a can of whole tomatoes. I drove down to the market and grabbed a can and as I was walking down the aisle I noticed a sorry looking kid stocking shelves. Besides collecting tolls on the interstate I cannot think of a more mind numbing job than stocking supermarket shelves. So I thought I would make the kid laugh. Holding out the can and with a serious expression on my face I asked him if my canned tomatoes were fresh. Well, he looked at the can, looked at me, looked at the can and then kind of got a glazed look in his eyes. Realizing I wasn't dealing with Lenny Bruce I brought the can up to my nose, sniffed it and said "yep, they're fine" and walked away. Pick your targets wisely.

1 comment:

Kevin Patrick Gannon said...

I wonder if he's still standing there trying to figure out the shelf life of metal cans.